Many times, you will have enough microarray results to enter that
entering the file names one-by-one on a web page will be too time
consuming. If this is the case, you can construct a file that
provides all the information you would otherwise enter on the web
page. The Data
Entry for Microarray Experiment form is used to enter a batch of
experiments into the database according to instructions specifed in
the batch file. This help describes the information you need to enter
an experiment and how to create the batch file. Small numbers of
experiments can also be entered individually, and a separate
help is available for that procedure.
It is assumed you have already read First
Time Users and What
You Need from the previous
help file, Entering Results from Experiments
First choose the feature extract software package for your experiment. Then you need
to specify the directory containing both your batch and data files. This can
be your incoming directory on or a subdirectory thereof. In
addition, if you have an account on the Microarray Core Facility's arrayfiles server,
they can reside there. Your batch file must reside with the data files
you can upload it from your own computer.
To load a group of experiments into the database, you first need to
assemble a batch file in which each line contains all the information
needed to enter one experiment. This is the same information that
goes on the web form for individual experiment entry. The batch file
must be tab delimited and have the lists below in the
header. These lists are the same as the entry box titles on the
individual experiment entry form. The columns in the batch file can
be in any order.
Within the File menu of your browser, Just "Save As Text" and either
copy or edit the resulting file. Do not change the name or
spelling of the labels.
All fields are required except those marked optional. Optional
fields may be ommitted entirely from the batch file, or contained
with empty values.
Your completed batch file must be in
your loader account before you can enter the data. Data files
must also be in your loader account.
All fields marked "optional" may
be left blank or not included in your batch file. All fields not
marked as optional are required.
AFFYMETRIX batch file columns (sample) |
AGILENT batch file columns (sample) |
- Result Set Name
- Result Set Description: (optional)
- Add to Expt1 (optional)
- Print Name: must be in the Print list.
- Slide Name: must be unique
- Exp File Location (file suffix is .exp)
- Cell File Location (file suffix is .cel)
- Gene File Location (file suffix is .txt or .calls; optional for Tiling experiments)
- Single Scan File Location (file suffix is .dat; optional for Tiling experiments)
- Single Channel Description
- Experiment Date3 (optional, defaults to the current date)
- Experiment Name: must be unique
- Experiment Category: must be in the Category list.
- Experiment SubCategory: must be in the SubCategory list.
- Normalization Type 4
- Norm Value 4
- Experimenter: Must be in the Users list.
- Experiment Description (optional)
- Collaborative Group 5 (optional) If specified, must be in the User Groups list. For multiple groups, separate with commas.
- Individual User 5 (optional) If specified, must be in the Users list. For multiple users, separate with commas.
Users list.
- Result Set Name
- Result Set Description: (optional)
- Add to Expt1 (optional)
- Print Name: must be in the Print list.
- Slide Name: must be unique
- Data File Location2: (file suffix is .dat, .dat2, .gpr, .srr or .txt)
- Grid File Location: (file suffix is .sag, .grd, .gps, .sra or .shp)
- Green Scan File Location:6 (file suffix is .tif or .scn)
- Red Scan File Location:6 (file suffix is .tif or .scn)
- Experiment Date3 (optional, defaults to the current date)
- Experiment Name: must be unique
- Experiment Category: must be in the Category list.
- Experiment SubCategory: must be in the SubCategory list.
- Green Channel (CH1) Description
- Red Channel (CH2) Description
- Is Reverse (optional defaults to N)
- Normalization Type 4
- Norm Value 4
- Experimenter: Must be in the Users list.
- Experiment Description (optional)
- Collaborative Group 5 (optional) If specified, must be in the User Groups list. For multiple groups, separate with commas.
- Individual User 5 (optional) If specified, must be in the Users list. For multiple users, separate with commas.
GENEPIX / SCANALYZE / SPOTREADER batch file columns (sample) |
NIMBLEGEN batch file columns (sample) |
- Print Name: must be in the Print list.
- Slide Name: must be unique
- Data File Location2: (file suffix is .dat, .dat2, .gpr, .srr or .txt)
- Grid File Location: (file suffix is .sag, .grd, .gps, .sra or .shp)
- Green Scan File Location: (file suffix is .tif or .scn)
- Red Scan File Location: (file suffix is .tif or .scn)
- Experiment Date3 (optional, defaults to the current date)
- Experiment Name: must be unique
- Experiment Category: must be in the Category list.
- Experiment SubCategory: must be in the SubCategory list.
- Green Channel (CH1) Description
- Red Channel (CH2) Description
- Is Reverse (optional defaults to N)
- Normalization Type 4
- Norm Value 4
- Experimenter: Must be in the Users list.
- Experiment Description (optional)
- Collaborative Group 5 (optional) If specified, must be in the User Groups list. For multiple groups, separate with commas.
- Individual User 5 (optional) If specified, must be in the Users list. For multiple users, separate with commas.
- Result Set Name
- Result Set Description: (optional)
- Add to Expt1 (optional)
- Print Name: must be in the Print list.
- Slide Name: must be unique
- FTR File Location (file suffix is .ftr)
- Cell File Location (file suffix is .cel or .xys)
- Gene File Location (file suffix is .txt or .calls) optional
- Single Scan File Location (file suffix is .tif)
- Experiment Date3 (optional, defaults to the current date)
- Experiment Name: must be unique
- Experiment Category: must be in the Category list.
- Experiment SubCategory: must be in the SubCategory list.
- Single Channel Description
- ExptType must be in the Experiment Type list.
- Probe Set Algorithm must be one of Probe_Calls, RMA, MAS and is required only if you are loading a gene intensity file.
- Experimenter: Must be in the Users list.
- Experiment Description (optional)
- Collaborative Group 5 (optional) If specified, must be in the User Groups list. For multiple groups, separate with commas.
- Individual User 5 (optional) If specified, must be in the Users list. For multiple users, separate with commas.
1Add to Expt is used if you are adding a new result set to an existing experiment. The value must be "Y".
The values for Experiment Name and Slide Name must be the same as the experiment to which you are adding the
result set.
2Data files can be identified in the batch
file by filenames only if the batch file is in the same directory as
all the data files. If some data files are organized in subdirectories inside incoming/,
then the batch file should include the path to those data files relative to the batch file. If, eg. some of the data files are in the "worm_aging" directory inside the incoming/ directory, the path would be:
3Experiment Date will default to the date the experiment
is entered if the column is left blank. Two date formats are
accepted. One is a 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and 2-digit day
(YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2006-11-22), and the other
is the Excel default (MM/DD/YY e.g.11/22/06).
4Normalization Type is required and can be "Computed", "Regression" or
"User Defined". If Normalization Type is "User Defined", then Norm
Value is required. Any number can be entered as a Norm Value. If
norm Type is "Computed," then the default computed
normalization is used. If the Normalization Type is either
"Computed" or "Regression", the Norm Value column should be left
blank. Normalization type is required for entering Agilent and
Affymetrix data, but is ignored.
5Collaborative Group and Individual User are groups and/or users
to whom you give permission to view this experiement. They must exist in the
User Groups and
the Users list, respectively.
Separate multiple values with commas.
6Green Scan File and Red Scan File (Agilent Only): if you have used TiffSplitter to split your
image into two files, then enter each name name in these files. If you have NOT split the image, then
enter its name in the Green Scan File and leave the Red Scan File blank. A single batch file must contain ALL split
images or ALL unsplit images, not a combination of the two.
Example batch files from which you can copy headings are available for:
Initiating the Process: Choosing "Load Experiment(s) using a Batch File" from the
and Result Entry form takes you to the batch entry form. Here you
specify the feature extraction software, choose the directory containing your data files and select the batch file. (Alternatively, you can upload
the batch file from your own computer.)
For convenience, files containing the word "batch" are placed at the top of
the selection list and so you might want to include the word "batch" in the filename,
i.e., "affy_batch.txt". (The filename can have any extension.)
Now you can choose to:
- Check Batch File: You should check your
batch file before loading.
Feedback is displayed on the screen. You can then correct any errors
within your batch file (re-uploading it, if editing on your PC) then
re-submit it. Typical errors include malformed files (must be
tab-delimited text), incorrect names (print names, categories,
subcategories, and experimenter must exist in the database), incorrect
data-file path locations, and non-unique columns (slidenames,
experiment names).
- Submit your Request: All that remains is to press
the "Load Experiments using Batch File" button. The loading
program scans your batch file one last time for incorrect entries, and
then enters the request into a queue.
Monitoring Your Request as it Progresses Within the Queue
Experiment loading is commenced by entering your loading-data into a
queue. The rate of loading is determined by a number of factors,
including both the load on the database and how many other array-load
requests were made prior to yours. If there are no delays, it usually
takes at least five minutes per array, but can take
quite a bit longer if your arrays have a large number of spots (human arrays) or
if many other users are using the database. An Affymetrix tiling array can
take up to one hour to load into the database and so as not to slow the
database to a crawl, only one tiling array can be run at once; all other jobs are queued.
During this time, you can check the progress of your experiment load
within the queue. After your data is successfully entered into the
queue (note: this is not the same thing as final entry into the
database), you should receive a confirmation screen as well as an
email notifying you:
Your database entry request (batch number XXXX) has been
queued for loading.
Please note the data for your array(s) ARE NOT YET IN THE
DATABASE. Do NOT delete any of your files until you receive email
confirmation that the data have been loaded.
Progress of is batch within the queue can be viewed at:
If you have any questions please contact the database curators
You can check the progress
of your experiment load based on the batch number reported to you
with either the link on the queue confirmation page or from the URL in
the email.
Successful Result Entry into the Database
If all goes well, you will eventually get an email
message that says:
Loading of your array data (batch number XXXX) has completed.
1 out of 1 were successfully loaded.
Details of the load process have been written to:
or you can temporarily view the details via the web at:
If you have any questions please contact the curators
At the bottom of the HTML confirmation page or in the log file in your logs directory on should be the message:
==== 1 out of 1 were successfully loaded. ====
In the case of a batch load the numbers would be greater, for example, "10 out of 10".
Common Problems
- If your results have not been loaded 1 day after entry into the
queue, please notify the microarray database curators.
- File location: All files must be in the same directory or subdirectory of your incoming account on or the arrayfiles server.
- UNIX file names: The names of your uploaded files
should not
contain spaces, or any of
the following characters:
- Occasionally, we backup and re-index the database. This process
can significantly delay the loading of data (and vice versa). We
suggest not loading during these time periods. Consult the Scheduled
Database Backups page for the times to avoid.
- Sometimes the conversion of the 2 TIFF images to a proxy image
(for web viewing) fails. Please check your loaded arrays by
displaying them and verifying the clickable-image. If you need to
replace the gif file that we have created for you, please see our help documentation for this.
If there is no clickable-image icon present, contact the microarray database
- Errors? What errors? Shortly after a queue batch
request is processed (successfully or not), you will no longer be able
to monitor its status within the queue (as it has been removed, and its
web log with it). However, just check your logs directory on to see the text log file of the database entry.
The log file name uses the batch number, e.g. "1234.log".